However, this exercise of writing my 'year in review' post has become a bit of a tradition, so let's get at it, shall we?
FYI, here are my posts for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
According to my post from last year, these were my goals for 2016...Psst I actually accomplished two things from this list.
1.Write a combined novel for both Kelsey (BUTTERFLIES DON'T LIE) and Jesse (GIRL ON THE RUN).
2. Skate on the Oval more.
3. Somehow get chosen to be a parade marshal.
4. Outline third novel for The Nefertari Hughes Mystery series.
5. Find the agent who is the right fit for my secret project.
6. Learn how to knit socks.
So how did I do? Here we go...
2. Skate on the Oval more.
3. Somehow get chosen to be a parade marshal.
4. Outline third novel for The Nefertari Hughes Mystery series.
5. Find the agent who is the right fit for my secret project.
6. Learn how to knit socks.
So how did I do? Here we go...
I receive the final version of NIGHT SHIFT from the editor and complete the (last ever!) revisions for this story. I apply for an ISBN from the Library and Archives of Canada. This is the first official step in self publishing NIGHT SHIFT and I'm scared to death. I then send a creative brief to the cover artist, Emma Dolan who also did the outstanding look for ASP OF ASCENSION.
My contemporary romance, THE RIGHT FIT (written under a pen name) reaches one million reads on Wattpad. I think it might be time to try submitting to agents.
Most popular blogpost of the month is Seven Characters That Will Strengthen Your Story.
THE RIGHT FIT is featured in I participate in #pitmatch on Twitter and receive four requests by agents.
The final cover comes in for NIGHT SHIFT and I am overwhelmed by how perfect it is!
Along with millions of other viewers I tune in to watch the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead.
I begin the very sharp learning curve of formatting a novel for Createspace. I make a lot of mistakes and learn what 'bleeding edge' means.
I send in the final edits for the second book in the Nefertari Hughes series, DIADEM OF DEATH to Fierce Ink Books.
I attend the Books Start Here campaign for local publishers and writers and am lucky enough to meet Lesley Crewe.
Set up blog tour and contest for NIGHT SHIFT.
Rejections trickle in for THE RIGHT FIT.
I'm honoured to be invited to speak on a YA author panel at the 2016 Atlantic Books Shortlist Announcement.
![]() |
Don Aker, Vicki Grant, Shauntay Grant, Me ;) and Youth Collection Development Librarian, Ashely Nunn-Smith. |
I send BLACK FRIDAY (Night Shift series #2) to the amazing Penelope Jackson for editing and cross my fingers that she likes it.
THE RIGHT FIT reaches over 4 million reads on Wattpad!
I do a guest spot on community radio with Suzanne Rent. We talk about writing, self publishing, and what it means to be a local author.
Set up a blog tour and contest for ASP OF ASCENSION to build interest for the sequel (DIADEM OF DEATH).
Most popular blogpost of the month is Once Upon A Time, Season 5, Episode 17 Her Handsome Hero.
Most popular blogpost of the month is Once Upon A Time, Season 5, Episode 17 Her Handsome Hero.
Since I didn't manage to snag an agent, I submit THE RIGHT FIT to a few publishing houses that accept unsolicited queries.
Send out emails to book stores that carry my other YA novels regarding taking NIGHT SHIFT on consignment.
Attend the annual New Book Bash hosted by the WFNS and Woozles bookstore. It sounds violent but it's to celebrate the books from children's authors across the province. I was there to show off GIRL ON THE RUN and ASP OF ASCENSION.
The Canadian Children's Book Centre pick GIRL ON THE RUN as one of their 'Best Books for Teens for 2016'.
Yay! Way to go, Jesse!
Yay! Way to go, Jesse!
Receive final edits back for BLACK FRIDAY and work feverishly to make it sparkle.
See the cover for DIADEM OF DEATH and I dance in the kitchen. Start to organize a reveal and contest on my blog.
Most popular blog post of the month is How Yoga Saved My Writing. That's me on the rock doing my best not to fall into the water.
My 16 year old daughter has her wisdom teeth removed. We take advantage of her drug induced state and film her while she tries to talk. It still makes me laugh.
See the cover for BLACK FRIDAY and I die because it's that friggin' amazing.
THE RIGHT FIT reaches over 5 million reads on Wattpad!!
Things are going along swimmingly, and then...
Things are going along swimmingly, and then...
Two weeks before DIADEM OF DEATH is due to release I receive news that Fierce Ink Books is closing immediately. Sadly, this means 'Diadem' will not be published. I cancel the cover reveal and explore my options of taking back the rights and perhaps pursuing self-publishing.
Most popular blog post this month is Cover Reveal for HEAR THE WOLVES by Victoria Scott.
Most popular blog post this month is Cover Reveal for HEAR THE WOLVES by Victoria Scott.
I binge on the OLYMPICS and cry every time a Canadian makes the podium.
I binge on the OLYMPICS and cry every time a Canadian makes the podium.
I attend the first Indie Author Fair in Halifax. It was a great opportunity to meet other independent authors and of course, buy books. Plus, I reunited with my grade 6 teacher, Geraldine Tuck! She's an author now too. She's so beautiful, this woman never ages.
I receive an offer of publication for THE RIGHT FIT from The Wild Rose Press. The editor sent a lovely email about how she loved the characters and how the story made her swoon, then cry, and then laugh and swoon some more. And I realize this is the editor who is meant to have this story.
The editor who worked on DIADEM OF DEATH mentions the series to another publisher he freelances with. Lucky for me and my characters Blue Moon Publishing is keen on the story and offers to publish the Nefertari Hughes Series.
BLACK FRIDAY is now available as ebook and paperback!
Most popular blog post of the month is BLACK FRIDAY Cover Reveal and Contest!
Most popular blog post of the month is BLACK FRIDAY Cover Reveal and Contest!
Outline the third book in the Nefertari Hughes series! I have a title, but I think I'll keep that secret for a bit longer.
Begin a new contemporary romance set in Halifax.
I discover Call The Midwife on Netflix and quickly fall in love with Sister Monica Joan.
And Holy Hannah, look at the tomatoes from our garden. So so so delish.
Most popular blog post of the month is 9 Easy Ways to Add Conflict To Your Story.
I discover Call The Midwife on Netflix and quickly fall in love with Sister Monica Joan.
And Holy Hannah, look at the tomatoes from our garden. So so so delish.
Most popular blog post of the month is 9 Easy Ways to Add Conflict To Your Story.
Receive the editorial letter for THE RIGHT FIT and I'm happy to see all the suggestions resonate with me and I'm excited to make the book even better.
Start work on press package for Blue Moon Publishing including book club discussions for both books. I learn ASP OF ASCENSION and DIADEM OF DEATH will be released together in April 2017!!!
Most popular blog post of the month is Deus Ex Machina.
Start work on press package for Blue Moon Publishing including book club discussions for both books. I learn ASP OF ASCENSION and DIADEM OF DEATH will be released together in April 2017!!!
Most popular blog post of the month is Deus Ex Machina.
Send out blurb requests for DIADEM OF DEATH. For the record, asking for author blurbs is one of the least fun parts of being a writer. However, I'm lucky to have some lovely authors in my circle.
Finish the contemporary romance set in Halifax!
Finish the contemporary romance set in Halifax!
Send in final edits for THE RIGHT FIT.
Had a short but wonderful trip to Liverpool and London to visit with family. And yes, I'm the kind of person who takes pictures of her food.
Had a short but wonderful trip to Liverpool and London to visit with family. And yes, I'm the kind of person who takes pictures of her food.
Hal-Con 2016 offered me the chance to get to hear Maggie Stiefvator, Courtney Stevens and Brenna Yovanoff talk about the changing landscape of YA. And I just want to say that Maggie and I look great, we could be part of a rock band or something.
See the cover for THE RIGHT FIT and I smile because it's all swoony and romantic looking.
Book signing in Chapters where I get to hand out candy canes and chat up passer-bys about books and such.
Book signing in Chapters where I get to hand out candy canes and chat up passer-bys about books and such.
Halifax gets a HUGE snow storm, but that's okay because we're all cozy inside. My dog, Cody claims his territory under the tree.
Hey, were you keeping track? Which goals did I accomplish?
Write a combined novel for both Kelsey (BUTTERFLIES DON'T LIE) and Jesse (GIRL ON THE RUN). But I'm always thinking about them if that counts.
Skate on the Oval more.
Okay, I did skate more than the year before. You'll just have to trust me on this.
Somehow get chosen to be a parade marshal.
Damn. I'll keep trying though.
Outline third novel for The Nefertari Hughes Mystery series.
Yes! Unlock achievement.
Find the agent who is the right fit for my secret project.
I didn't get an agent, but I did get a PUBLISHER. So I think that's worth two points.
Learn how to knit socks.
Nope. However, I did find someone who knits socks and sells them at the Farmer's Market every Saturday.
Write a combined novel for both Kelsey (BUTTERFLIES DON'T LIE) and Jesse (GIRL ON THE RUN). But I'm always thinking about them if that counts.
Skate on the Oval more.
Okay, I did skate more than the year before. You'll just have to trust me on this.
Somehow get chosen to be a parade marshal.
Damn. I'll keep trying though.
Outline third novel for The Nefertari Hughes Mystery series.
Yes! Unlock achievement.
Find the agent who is the right fit for my secret project.
I didn't get an agent, but I did get a PUBLISHER. So I think that's worth two points.
Learn how to knit socks.
Goals for 2017
1. Outline and hopefully write sequel for GIRL ON THE RUN. See above.
2. Write third book in Nefertari Hughes' series.
3. Meet another famous author and get a picture with them!
4. Go to a writing convention. Seriously, I've never gone.
5. Make new friends. Why not?
What are your writing goals for 2017?