Thursday 14 August 2014

Why I Write YA

Oh, hi there.

I was tagged by my writerly buddy, Jane LeBak to be part of a writing process blog tour. I should totally ace this test.

1. What am I working on?

I recently finished the last edits for my YA coming of age novel, BUTTERFLIES DON'T LIE. Hey, it comes out in a month! *muppet hand flailing*

Presently, I'm buckling down with revision for my YA paranormal mystery, THE ASP. It's Veronica Mars meets Indiana Jones. You can check it out on Goodreads here.

Then I'll return to Willard's Department Store, continuing to write BLACK FRIDAY, the second book in the NIGHT SHIFT series. You can read that YA paranormal mystery for FREE on Wattpad. Go ahead...don't be shy.

2. How is my work different from others of its genre?

NIGHT SHIFT is FREE! Plus, the MC is a dude. Not rare of course, but most paranormal romances are in the first person with a female lead. And I dig the creepy yet stylish mystery of the old department store. I hope you'll give it a chance.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I write because I have to. I write the stories I want to read. Actually, I write to stop the voices in my head.

4. How does my writing process work?

I sit in the chair and make myself keep writing sentences until I have enough of a mess to edit. I'm a fan of sticky notes. I have a simple outline of the major events. Before I write a scene, I list all the things that have to happen before the end of that chapter.

I'm a fan of cliffhangers too, but not too many in a row. Also, if your 'pickle of a situation' keeps ending with an easy solution, the cliffhangers will lose their effect. Readers want conflict!

Now I encourage you to check out the blogs of these other splendid people...

Megan Whitmer is a breath of fresh air on twitter my friends. And she vlogs like a pro. Plus, she makes these cute scrunched up faces that Katie Holmes would die for. Her debut YA paranormal mystery, BETWEEN is out now.

Meet the sassy and always in fashion, Heather Marie. Her YA debut novel, THE GATE THROUGH WHICH THEY CAME, comes out this month. She's all that and a bag of chips. Plus, she's really cool. And since she follows me on twitter, that makes me cool too.

How does your writing process work?

1 comment:

Laila N Mysis said...

I love your reason for writing. I want to say it's my own, but I haven't written anything in ages... It feels like I'm pretending. Hm.

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